Clear The List: A 'Thanks' to Teachers

Back to school is right around the corner! Emme and Sailor are so excited. They’ve got their backpacks ready to go and school supplies loaded up! As the girls and I were back to school shopping for supplies, we talked about how kids aren’t the only ones with a back to school list. Teachers have list of necessary supplies too! I know so many teachers spend a big chunk of their hard earned money filling their classrooms with necessities to make the school year perfect. So this week, I thought I’d collect a few wish lists that our Happy Placers could help clear! 

If you’re on mobile, be sure to close out the Amazon app after each list so that the next one loads properly. 

Happy Place Teacher’s Lists:

Our teachers truly make our world go ‘round. Thank you so much for helping me with this project! I hope everyone has a magical 2023-2024 school year!



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